Tuesday, 21 May 2013

New Videos!

Hey all, Lots of new videos on the "Poetry Videos" tabs and more coming tomorrow. Enjoy!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Biblical Parallels

Objective: To explore, analyse and criticise the links between LOTF and The Bible


As a comment on this post, write at least one paragraph in answer to the question:

What does the reader learn from Golding's portrayal of the character Simon?

Ensure that you:
  • Include both similarities and differences to The Bible
  • Link your analysis to what we learn about human nature
Use the video guides to help improve your analysis if you need to.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Homework on Simon

Homework for Friday is to complete the annotation of the character analysis of Simon by adding quotations to support all of the points. Try to draw on as wide a variety of evidence as you can.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Homework due on Wednesday

Write your own answer to the June 2011 Of Mice and Men Exam question using the plans you created in the lesson today and the structure which you learned in the lesson.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Homework due on Monday 22nd

For Monday, please watch all six of these videos. If there is anything you disagree with or anything which you find particularly interesting, please post it as a comment.